How do you define Highly Capable?
Highly Capable students are those who demonstrate outstanding levels of aptitude (defined as an exceptional ability to reason and learn) or competence (documented performance or achievement in the top 5% or rarer) in one or more domains.
What are some characteristics of Highly Capable students?
Thoughtfully interrelating complex knowledge from multiple subject areas
Having exceptional insight to themes and generalizations
Demonstrating sophistication in learning and applying new information to tasks
Asking provocative questions that probe and analyze problems
Giving diverse, thought-provoking, responses that lead to innovative solutions
Insightfully evaluating information and ideas
Creating products that synthesize ideas from a variety of challenging sources
Initiating and going above and beyond required assignments
What is the difference between a bright child and a Highly Capable child?
BRIGHT CHILD | Knows the answers | Is interested | Is attentive | Has good ideas | Works hard | Answers the questions | Top group | Listens with interest | Learns with ease | 6-8 repetitions for mastery | Understands ideas | Enjoys peers | Grasps the meaning | Completes assignments | Is receptive | Copies accurately | Enjoys school | Absorbs information | Technician | Good memorizer | Enjoys straight-forward, sequential | Is alert | Is pleased with own learning |
HIGHLY CAPABLE CHILD | Asks the questions | Is highly curious | Is mentally/physically involved | Has wild, silly ideas | Plays around yet tests well | Discusses in detail; elaborates | Beyond the group | Shows strong feelings and opinions | Already knows | 1-2 repetitions to mastery | Constructs abstractions | Prefers adults | Draws inferences | Initiates projects | Is intense | Creates a new design | Enjoys learning | Manipulates information | Inventor | Good guesser | Thrives on complexity | Is keenly observant | Is highly self-critical |
By: Janice Szabos – Gifted Quarterly